Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. It originated in China more than 2,500 years ago, and is currently one of the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere.
According to Chinese Medicine, your overall health is determined by the quality and quantity of Qi (energy) flowing through the natural pathways in your body (meridians). Acupuncture is administered by an acupuncturist who places very thin, sterile single-use needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow.
Here at Colorado Acupuncture and Wellness, Classical Five Element Acupuncture, as compiled by J.R. Worsley, is practiced. It uses the five elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water – which are inherent in all living beings, to determine where an imbalance lies within an individual. We treat the whole person: body, mind and spirit.
Classical Five Element Acupuncture is a safe, effective, natural and holistic approach to healing. It involves a more in-depth diagnostic process and aims to correct imbalances focused on healing the root cause of illness. In this style of treatment, we stay with the client the entire time; we never leave the room with needles left in the client. The needle often does not leave our hands, as very few Five Element treatments involve needle retention.
Because this style of acupuncture treats the person as a whole, patients frequently experience improvements in areas beyond those which initially led them to seek support.
Many studies have shown the benefits of acupuncture including:
In order to make acupuncture accessible, prices are based on a sliding scale, with pricing subject to change annually. The sliding scale is based on current rates in the area, and adjusted to make this modality accessible. Cash and check payments are given a $5.00 discount per transaction. Discounts are also given to Seniors (65+), active Military and U.S. Veterans. Military ID and VA ID are required for discount.
The top price of the sliding scale is the “Pay It Forward” price. This is for those that can actively afford acupuncture treatments, and would like to help off-set the costs for those in need.
Moxibustion, aka moxa, is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing and health. Moxibustion has been used for healing purposes throughout Asia for thousands of years. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi (energy); and enhance your overall vitality and health.
Among other benefits, a landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 found that 75.4% of women suffering from breech presentations before childbirth had fetuses that rotated to the normal position after receiving moxibustion at an acupuncture point on the bladder meridian.
Moxibustion is usually done in conjunction with acupuncture treatments, though it can be done in separate treatments.
Cupping (ba guan fad) has been a part of Chinese Medicine for over 2,500 years. It is an ancient Chinese therapy that relieves aches and pains, improves blood flow, helps eliminate toxins, reduces stagnation, and also helps with respiratory and digestive issues.
Here at Colorado Acupuncture and Wellness, the use of smooth glass cups are heated using a cotton ball soaked in alcohol, lit, then placed inside the cup creating a negative pressure on the skin, aka, a suction. This draws your skin, fascia, and superficial muscle layer up into the cup itself. The cups are left in place for a period of time, or are slid across the skin (with the assistance of oil).
Cupping doesn't hurt. Discoloration and bruising of the skin is normal and should be expected. These marks usually fade away within a few days to a couple of weeks. The end result is a greater overall sense of health and well-being.
Cupping is used as a standalone session to address specific concerns, or as a facial rejuvenation service.
Although Gua sha is an ancient healing technique used by Chinese Medicine practitioners for thousands of years, it is relatively unknown in the West. It is recognized throughout Asia as a highly effective treatment for chronic pain conditions, stress, fatigue, and a host of other ailments. Gua sha is defined as the “closely-timed unidirectional press-stroking of the body surface with a smooth-edged instrument to intentionally raise transitory therapeutic petechiae and ecchymosis (sha).”
First, Gua sha oil is applied to the affected area. Then using a smooth round-edged gua sha tool, short brisk strokes are applied to the affected area. This creates "sha", which allows detoxifying of your blood and restoring the healthy flow of Qi (energy) to the area. There is no pain involved, and the sha will fade in a few days. But the sense of health and vitality you experience from it will last much longer.
Gua sha can be used in conjunction with acupuncture treatments, or as a standalone session to address specific concerns, or as a facial rejuvenation service.
Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, involves the use of a motorized oscillating pen with a needle tip that contains extremely tiny needles that create micro-channels in the dermal layer of the skin. These micro-channels trigger the bodies natural healing process to fill these micro wounds by producing new collagen, up to 3000%, and elastin in the papillary dermis. Microneedling does not “burn” your skin like peels or more invasive lasers.
Treatments may be done only monthly, with a series of 3-6 treatments recommended for best results, with results having been shown to last 3-5 years.
All microneedling treatments include a thorough cleansing of the face with micellar cleanser, application of hyaluronic acid, specialized TCM serums for your individual needs, and a cooling mask as a finale.
Benefits of microneedling include:
The Bach® Flower Remedy System was developed in the 1930’s by Dr. Edward Bach, a noted physician, bacteriologist, pathologist and homeopath. He believed that the key to overall health was to care for the mind as well as the body. There are 38 remedies; one associated with each basic human emotional state identified by Dr. Bach. The remedies aim to assist with the improvement of everyday emotional states and stress, which in turn, leads to better health benefits. They do not interfere with any forms of medical intervention, and can be taken in addition to all other forms of treatment. They are safe for children and pets too!
The fee charged for the consultation is to cover the time spent assisting you with learning and using the Bach® Flower Remedy system. At the end of each consultation, you can choose to have a complimentary personal mix of the remedies discussed during the consultation created for you. This will be prepared from opened stock bottles, spring water, and at times brandy, as a preservative. For alcohol sensitive clients, glycerin will be used in lieu of brandy.
Sessions can be done in-person at the office, over Zoom, by phone, or through email. Shipping charges will apply if custom blend bottle is mailed.
Shonishin (show-knee-shin) is a Japanese technique that uses the same meridian system as regular acupuncture, but without the use of needles or penetration of the skin. It is a safe, gentle, painless system that is especially suited for the treatment of children. The literal English translation of shonishin is “little children needle”. Sho means little, ni means child/pediatric, and shin means needle. It is most often used on children 12 and younger, however it can also be used on older children and adults who are scared or sensitive to needles.
Shonishin uses a series of metal tools to brush, stroke, press, and tap along meridians in order to stimulate points in order to move energy and remove blocks. A child’s energy system is sensitive, more on the surface of the body than adults, and their nature is full of yang, therefore, it is easy to affect change and make adjustments quickly.
Shonishin is used to maintain wellness, prevent disease, and for conditions of disharmony, illness, or pathology. Treatment improves the immune system by stimulating endorphin production in the body, which in turn promotes healing. It also calms the nervous system and gives the child a feeling of general wellness. Shonishin can be used to help with a wide variety of conditions.
Acupressure is a form of needle-less acupuncture. It is based on one the most ancient principles of healing — that simply touching a specific point on the body will release stress and improve health in the body. Acupressure is used when needles are not wanted, needed, or contraindicated.
In an acupressure session, I apply firm pressure, either with my finger or an acupressure stimulator, directly to these "points" on your body, which relieves your muscle tension and improves your circulation. This simple and powerful technique has been shown to very effective in treating headaches, backaches, and even insomnia.